Rent counter strike global offensive server
Rent counter strike global offensive server


You can turn the server off and you won’t be charged for using it, unless you reach the maximum monthly usage, at which point you won’t pay more than the monthly maximum.ĭatHost is probably the best cheap CS:GO server hosting company for teams who play less than 30 hours a month, since you’re only paying by the hour.īut if you plan on gaming more than that or want to host another type of community server, there are other options out there. If you want to save money, DatHost only charges you when you’re playing. If you’re hosting a small ten slot server for 5v5 team scrimmage games, you’ll probably want to pay extra for the fastest servers available, but it won’t be too bad because you’re only using ten slots. Generally speaking, CS:GO hosting is cheap, ranging from $5 per month to $50 per month, depending on the hosting company, server hardware, and most importantly, slot count. How Much Does it Cost to Host a CS:GO Server?

rent counter strike global offensive server

Hosting a server yourself will cause performance and uptime issues that you won’t run into if you’re paying for hosting.įortunately, CS:GO server hosting is fairly cheap, even for 128 tick servers.


That’s why CS:GO requires dedicated servers from a professional host. Top notch server performance is essential when a high stakes tournament can be decided in a split second. You can host a Terraria server for you and a few friends without needing to worry about performance.ĬS:GO, on the other hand, is another story. But it’s definitely not ideal, especially if you want to host a server for competitive practice, or to grow a serious community.ĬS:GO is one of the most competitive games first person shooters on Steam, with the largest concurrent player base at the time of writing.Ī game like Terraria or modded Minecraft isn’t a high stakes game. Well, technically, the answer is no - you could host your own CS:GO dedicated server. Hosting Yourselfĭo you actually have to pay for CS:GO hosting? Whether you want to host a high performance server to practice with your competitive team, or you want to host a custom game and grow a community, CS:GO server hosting is the solution. Most competitive players want 128-tick servers by default, but they’re currently 64-tick (more on that below).Īlternatively, there are CS:GO community servers, run by gamers, for gamers. There are public servers run by Valve both for competitive and casual play, but they’re not customizable nor are they high performance. The game is all about multiplayer gameplay, especially in the competitive world - however, that’s not all the game has to offer.ĬS:GO has a ton of different game types, from surfing and BHOP to 1v1 battles and zombie escape. I’ve poured a few thousand hours into the timeless classic myself, playing nearly every day after school.

  • How Much Does it Cost to Host a CS:GO Server?ĬS:GO has remained one of the most popular and competitive first person shooters since its launch back in 2012.
  • If all of these requirements are met, you'll need to head to Steam Game Server Account Management Console. Your Steam account may create 1000 game server accounts Your Steam account must own the game for which you are creating a game server account Your Steam account must have a qualifying registered phone Your Steam account must not be community banned or locked No need to worry though, it's super easy to generate this token, however, you need to make sure that your steam account meets the requirements: Otherwise, it remains in LAN (Local Area Network) mode, meaning that no one can connect to that server. Since 2019, Valve requires you to generate authentication token in order for your server to be public.


    However, if you plan on hosting your server with mods and plugins, we'd advise choosing a plan with 3GB or even 4GB of RAM to make sure that your server will perform at its peak performance at all times. In this case, if you purchase a plan with 2GB of RAM, it could serve up to 20 players with classic game modes like Public, Competitive, Gungame, etc. In principle, each 100MB of RAM can serve one player. Counter-Strike is not very demanding in terms of RAM.

    rent counter strike global offensive server

    The main thing to have in mind is your plan RAM resources.

    rent counter strike global offensive server

    The best part about choosing Game Panel VPS is that all of the Counter-Strike additions (ex.: CSGO, Source, Counter-Strike 1.6, etc.) use the exact same setup, meaning that you can use this article to host any kind of Counter-Strike server! From the player count to the game modes that are being played or even what mods are installed onto the server. Hosting your own Counter-Strike server lets you control almost every detail of the gameplay.

    Rent counter strike global offensive server